
Computer Software

Over the past several years, there has been a significant reduction in the level of IT support available to the 库, with a simultaneous increase in the amount of equipment and software requiring support. 结果是, the 库 are not able to accommodate all requests for software installation on the public computers. 在一般情况下, the 库 cannot support software installation for single users, 作业, 或课程. 

As an alternative, the 库 recommend consulting the Office of Information 技术 about their Virtual Desktop Service. OIT may be able to set up a virtual computer with the software needed for your class or assignment, which students can log into remotely from the 库 computers, or their own computer (including PCs, 苹果电脑, iOS, and Android devices).

The 库 may consider requests for software installations that are expected to serve a wide variety of students and courses (e.g. upward of 100 launches on 库 computers per semester). However, please keep in mind the following:

  • Requests should be made one month ahead of the date when you wish the software to be available, and are not guaranteed to be fulfilled.
  • Software must be licensed for a lab environment. Software cannot be installed using a trial license or individuals’ personal licenses.
  • 在一般情况下, software offerings are kept uniform across 库 public computers; 库 are not able to install software on a subset of computers and “reserve” those computers for use by members of a specific class. Computers dedicated to specific purposes (for example, those in the Multimedia Lab and in the 音乐 and 舞蹈图书馆) may have unique software installed as appropriate to those purposes.
  • Since the 库’ public computers do not permanently store individual user data, software that can function only by storing user-specific data persistently on the local machine may not function as intended.
  • Temporary installations (e.g. for teaching a single session) are not supported.

For instructors seeking to accommodate a small minority of students who do not have access to their own computer, laptops are available for borrowing that permit temporary installation of user-owned software. 看到 笔记本电脑 for more information.