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请查看我们员工收集的所有国际旅行提示和建议, Peer Advisors, 还有回国的学生. If you have questions about any of the information listed here, contact our office or visit us during open advising hours.


打包行李是旅行必不可少的第一步. 弄清楚带什么和怎么带是很有挑战性的,所以要记住这些事情!


  • 只带你能带的东西
    • You are 100% responsible for everything you bring with you, so make sure you’re able to handle carrying all of your luggage at once. This may include carrying your luggage up and/or down stairs, 上/下公共交通工具, 甚至还进了机场的厕所隔间.
  • 注意航空公司的行李限制
    • Airlines will have a set number of bags that you can carry on the plane with you,  as well as a weight limit for checked luggage (usually 50 lbs). Going over these limits will cost you money and time, so research these in advance.
    • 如果您的机票不包括托运行李, 在你到达机场之前向航空公司查询! Often times this can save you money, rather than adding on the bag at the airport.
    • 随身行李有尺寸限制,但通常没有强制重量限制. If you are pushing the weight limit for your checked bags, it can be useful to pack heavy items (pending they are cabin permitted!)放在你的手提行李里.


  • Start with a list! Consider:
    • 你要去多久
    • 文化和着装规范
    • The climate – and if you’re going abroad for more than a month or two, 也要考虑季节的变化
  • 打包衣物时:
    • Pick clothing items that are versatile and can be easily combined with other pieces.
    • 带上你不介意扔掉的衣服——你可能需要留下一些东西,以便为你在国外买的纪念品或新衣服腾出空间. 如果可以的话,购买当地的商品! And if you leave behind any items, try to find a reputable donation station.
    • 行李丢失是现实——带上那些你再也见不到的衣服.
    • 为正式场合做好准备, 比如美味的晚餐和文化活动, 或者参观寺庙和大教堂——这些地方通常有保守的着装要求.
    • 要明白,在美国以外的官方网站, 比如打底裤, sweatpants, and shorts are not acceptable to wear in public unless you’re going to the gym, 所以尽量不要穿这些衣服.
    • 印有大学校徽或美国国旗的t恤或运动衫会立刻让人觉得你是美国人. 这未必是件坏事, but if you want to blend in with the locals and not be labeled as a tourist, 把这些东西留在家里.
  • 装鞋时:
    • 确保你的鞋子舒适,适合你的行程.
    • Flip-flops are also not as common abroad as they are here. Only take them if you need them for the beach or as shower shoes.
  • 打包其他必需品时:
    • 确保你在你的项目期间预先填好了任何处方药. 包括隐形眼镜.
    • Especially if you’ll be abroad for an extended period of time, 记住,大多数洗漱用品都可以在国外买到. 为了节省空间和重量,你可以在旅行的头几天带一些旅行用的洗漱用品,到达目的地后再购买全尺寸的产品.
      • 修正:有时很难找到相同种类的月经产品, 避孕套或其他形式的保护, 或者我们在美国拥有的特殊美容产品. 如果你有机会接触到某种品牌或类型很重要,那就随身携带.
    • Seal all toiletries in plastic bags in case they leak or break. 如果你随身携带洗漱用品,请确保它们的包装符合运输安全管理局的规定.
  • 打包贵重物品时:
    • Keep cash and electronics in your carry-on or on your person. 让他们尽可能地远离我们的视线.
    • 在机场一定要随身携带护照
    • Think carefully about what you really need to take with you. 考虑把笔记本电脑留在短途旅行中.


  • 行李丢失和被盗是一个现实. 

  • 任何时候都要密切注意你所有的物品. 不委托给别人吗. 

  • 万一你的托运行李丢了,你随身携带的就只有手提行李了. 保留处方等重要物品, electronics, 在你的随身行李里有行程, 还有换洗的衣服和牙刷,以防你几天没带行李.  

  • 随身携带的每件行李都要贴上行李牌,这样你就能清楚地认出它们是你的   

Money & Phone

无论是品尝当地美食还是购买纪念品来纪念你的旅行, 你将会花钱. 在国外消费有几种方法, and the method you choose will depend on where you’re going, 你要在那里待多久, 你期望的附带预算, and the policies of your bank and/or credit card company. 这些建议将为你提供一个研究的起点,以找出最适合你的方法.  


  • 旅行前通知你的银行. Let them know where you’re going and 你要在那里待多久. This way they know not to be suspicious of international activity on your account.  

  • 了解在国外使用信用卡的限制. 

    • 维萨卡和万事达卡是最被广泛接受的信用卡. You may run into more difficulty using American Express or Discover, 因为它们没有被广泛接受.  

    • 在一些国家,除非你买的是大宗商品,否则用信用卡支付是不常见的. 如果这是你要去的地方, 有张信用卡以备不时之需是很好的, 但是要计划好使用现金支付日常开销. 

  • 无论如何要带些现金. 有几张钞票以备不时之需.  


  • Be familiar with exchange rates so you can stick to your budget. 

  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash if possible, but if you decide to do so: 

    • Diversify the locations of your cash - don’t keep it all in one place. 

    • 考虑使用钱袋或腰带,这样可以把钱藏在衣服里. 

    • 永远不要让任何人看到你带了多少现金. 

  • 如果您在国外使用自动取款机, 请记住,每次取款时都可能要收取ATM手续费和兑换手续费. 

  • 考虑在你离开之前兑换一大笔钱. 这可以让你: 

    • Take advantage of favorable exchange rates before you leave. 汇率会随着时间的推移而变化,所以当你在国外的时候,汇率可能就不那么有利了. 

    • 节省自动取款机的费用.  

    • Keep to your budget by restricting your spending to the cash you took out. 

  • >Avoid converting money at airports if possible. 就像机场里的其他东西一样, money conversion is much more expensive than at a non-airport location.

Keeping in Touch

请记住,所有bet8九州登录入口留学的学生在国外时都需要使用手机. Getting cell service while abroad can sometimes be tricky, so make sure you do your research and have a plan in place before you leave. 询问你的项目协调员在现场的工作人员,哪些电话选项或服务提供商最适合你选择的目的地.

一些在手机信号有限的地方运行的项目会在旅行期间提供卫星电话. 如果是这样,我们会通知你的. *RARE*

There are a couple of options for phones and service abroad. 


  • 请与您的美国服务提供商联系.
  • Check with them to see what their international offerings are. Some providers like T-Mobile include international service in their regular plans. 
  • Other providers offer international plans as add-ons or as a day-by-day service. 这些真的很贵, so make sure you know costs ahead of time so you don’t break your budget. 
  • 或者,使用您所在国家的服务提供商.
  • 这是通过将手机中的SIM卡替换为服务提供商提供的SIM卡来完成的. You can only switch out a SIM card if your phone is “unlocked.“你可以向你的手机服务提供商查询你的手机是否解锁.  
  • 一旦你有了一张新的SIM卡,你就可以购买按月的数据套餐或充值时间. 


  • 有时你不能使用你自己的美国电话,或者使用本地电话更实用. 
  • 一次性手机既便宜又方便,能让你随时随地打电话. 
  • Some students will use a burner phone so that they can make calls, 但他们仍然保留自己的美国智能手机来使用WiFi.  

如果您选择在国外购买手机使用手机服务,并携带自己的手机使用WiFi, 有一些事情要记住.

  • Put your phone on airplane mode so you don’t accidentally use international data.  
  • 谷歌地图(Google Maps)和谷歌翻译(Google Translate)等bet8九州登录入口程序可以让你下载离线使用的内容. This can be very helpful if you’re in a country where you don’t speak the language. 
  • WhatsApp是一款很棒的使用WiFi的短信bet8九州登录入口,在美国以外的很多地方也非常受欢迎. Facebook and iPhone-to-iPhone iMessage are also good options for WiFi-based texting 



If you’re going to go abroad, you have to know how to get from here to there. Transportation to and from your host country may be included in your program, but if it’s not, 你要对自己的安全负责. Start searching right away so you can plan for dates and prices, 但请记住,在您被确认为该计划的参与者之前,不要购买任何机票或交通工具. 

When searching ticket prices online, use your browser in incognito mode. 航空公司网站将使用cookie来跟踪你正在查看的航班,并开始显示这些航班的价格上涨.  

Before you go:

  • 有用的机票购买bet8九州登录入口程序包括:
    • Hopper 
    • Skyscanner 
  • 廉价机票搜索引擎:
    • Kayak 
    • Studentuniverse.Com *面向学生!


根据你的课程长度,你可能有机会在国外进行自己的旅行. With just a little research you can find cheap and easy travel options. 

Inter-city busses are often very budget-friendly options. Train travel is also much more common in other countries than in the US. It can be much more enjoyable and environmentally friendly than air travel as well. 一些火车旅行网站:



  • 欧洲:瑞安航空,易捷航空 
  • 南美洲:墨西哥航空公司,LAN航空公司 
  • Asia: 


你的项目住宿和住宿选择是一个好的项目体验的组成部分. Though they differ from program to program and from student to student, there are a few good things for everyone to keep in mind. 

The majority of programs will have you living with another person to some degree. Though most of us already have experience living with roommates or siblings, 这里有一些关于同居的小贴士: 

  • Be considerate. 无论你是和一个酒店房间合住一周,还是和寄宿家庭住一个学期, think about how your use of shared space affects the people you live with. 
  • Communicate!  
  • If something is bothering you or you have a question, speak up. A problem will never get solved if it’s never talked about.  
  • 如果你对某些事情很挑剔(例如.g., 你喜欢早睡, 你很容易感冒,喜欢保持房间温暖, 你有一个坏的止睡按钮习惯。), 尽快告诉你的室友,这样你就可以在冲突发生之前阻止它.  
  • NOTE: 如果你有一个问题,你觉得你不能自己解决,告诉你的现场支持. It’s important that you have a living space where you feel safe and comfortable.  


  • 你将有机会安排自己的住房. Think about location, convenience, and safety as you plan.
  • Hostels are your best lodging resource away - they’re often cheap and numerous. 
  • Hostels will most often have large all-gender rooms with bunk beds. You can usually find smaller or single-gender rooms at an additional cost.  
  • Do your research! 避免旅馆恐怖故事的最好方法是在旅行前确保所有的住房. 只需要几分钟的调查,就可以很容易地找到高评价、经济实惠的旅馆. 一定要阅读评论. 
  • 确保你的住宿地点是安全的! 这也有助于你知道你要去的城市里的哪个地方,这样你就能找到一个离你近的地方住宿.